Hot sell: Hand Sanitizer transfer pump |

To battle against the Covid19, Hand Sanitizer demand is sharply increasing. Bonve support to offer it Sanitary lobe pumps which are used in the production of Hand Sanitizer.

Hand sanitizer is the product of a mixture of anhydrous alcohol, derived from sugar and alcohol plants, polymer carbon, glycerin and vitamin E. All these fluids are added to a reactor tank and mixed until they form the alcohol in gel in the form we find in the markets. To transfer the gel from the reactor tank, where the mixture was made, to a storage tank and also from the storage tank to the filing machine, it is necessary to use a Positive displacement pump. Positive displacement pump can only be performed well at this stage due to high viscosity which ranges from 65,000 to 110,000 cP.

Bonve stainless steel lobe pumps are ideally suited to the transfer of Hand Sanitizer due to sanitary structure and low shear flow characteristics. The pump also allows to work with #ATEX conditions. We select the pump according to your characteristics of medium and condition of the technological requirements, bring you the best pump for your critical process, satisfied by you and your customers.

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